Our organization services;

To protect the principles of confidentiality, impartiality and independence with the utmost sensitivity towards all relevant parties by fulfilling its duties with integrity in accordance with the rule of law,

(all interested parties) can access the services of our organization without discrimination to any organization that wants to benefit from our activities regardless of the number of employees, settlement area and membership to any group,

Under no circumstances will we allow the improper use of information obtained during our activities to the advantage of third parties,

To be open to continuous development and to adapt to technical developments in internationally accepted rules,

That the results or remuneration for the provision of services will be independent of the remuneration of staff,

Always show due diligence by keeping the staff away from all kinds of commercial, financial, political and other pressures that may affect their decisions,

Not to engage in any activity that would contradict the independence of decisions and their accuracy in relation to inspection activities,

When a risk to impartiality is identified, it will apply the sanctions identified to eliminate such a risk,

If any issue affecting our impartiality is detected in the inspection activities carried out, the inspection activities will be carried out again,
